Re: SSH Problem
You have to enable SSH to do a remote SSH. You can enable it either through vCenter server or by logging in to each of the ESXi console.Could you provide the ESX/ESXi version? ~dGeorge
View ArticleRe: SSH Problem
I am assuming that the SSH access if for ESXi servers, if this was working earlier did you reboot the serves recently? I understand you are experiencing this on multple servers but I recommend checking...
View ArticleRe: Error 29114 Cannot connect to DB
Problem resolved, DBA messed something up in the script. Once I had them redo all is well now. Cheers
View ArticleRe: Oracle RAC with SRM 5.1
Do all of the VMDKs (including OS) reside on same datastore?Do both VMs being powered on on the same host or different hosts?
View ArticleRe: NTP client stops syncing time with its peer
Hi Rainer, You could make a cron job to restart the ntpd daemon every day at 6.00AM e.g. or any other suitable time for you. /bin/echo "0 6 * * * /etc/init.d/ntpd restart > /tmp/ntpdrestart.log...
View ArticleRe: Migrating VMware 4.x VM's to 5.x with datastore files
Hello f10, Our goal is to migrate all VM's from the old infrastructure ie esxi4 to new infrastructure 5.1. Once migrated we are going to decommission the 4.0 environment. Advise me the best if you were...
View ArticleRe: PowerCli Migration from E1000 to vmxnet3 issues
The problem is that Windows (or another OS, we had the same thing come up with a Linux VM during a course, when we tried this shortcut with PowerCLI) doesn't load the appropriate driver for the new...
View ArticleRe: Oracle RAC with SRM 5.1
Hi Michael, Do all of the VMDKs (including OS) reside on same datastore?No, They are reside on different datastore. Do both VMs being powered on on the same host or different hosts?The VMs running on...
View ArticleRe: Migrating VMware 4.x VM's to 5.x with datastore files
It's free version get it from here How to Get VMware vCenter Converter
View Articlereinstallazione host esxi
Ciao a tutti,ho la necesità di reinstallare in host in seguito ad un cambiamento del raid.Attualmente la macchina ha due macchine virtuali 1 windows 2008 r2 e l'altra windows 7.Mi consigliate di fare...
View ArticleRe: reinstallazione host esxi
Dovendo rifare il RAID su cui sono le VM (se è questa l'attività) fai un backup di tutto e reinstalla.Esiste la possibilità di preservare il Datastore in fase di installazione ma ha senso solo che non...
View ArticleRe: Oracle RAC with SRM 5.1
When you run a recovery, do all of the hosts have all of the datastores available?Can you try to perform a recovery to a single host? I mean either enter all the hosts except one of DR cluster into...
View ArticleRe: traffic shaping per VM?
You need third party tool to manage the trafic. You can assign bandwidth according to your IP address. There is some hardware thar can mange the traffice. Like MikroTick. You can shape the traffic with...
View ArticleRe: Suggerimenti per ESXi
Ciao,avevo capito che i dischi sono logici, tranquillo, altrimenti i conteggi degli hard disk non sarebbero tornati. Chiamali volumi così siamo tutti a posto riguardo le preoccupazioni di corruzione,...
View ArticleRe: reinstallazione host esxi
Teoricamente, in base al controller posseduto, si può anche modificare il raid sottostante senza toccare i volumi pubblicati, ma non sappiamo di quale controller stiamo parlando.E comunque, un backup...
View ArticleRe: NTP client stops syncing time with its peer
Ah yes,I believed, there is no cron on ESX because I found no cron process and no crontab command. Thank you.
View ArticleRe: reinstallazione host esxi
Grazie per le risposte.Il controller non mi gestisce la modifica del raid quindi devo reinstallare.Ora sto facendo il backup tramite vmexplorer delle macchine virtuali.Mi chiedevo inoltre se facendo il...
View ArticleRe: How to restart a suspended virtual machine?
Thanks Tracywang; I tried to force a restart last night by holding the option key and the menu did change to Force Shutdown, but I was not to select it. It was still shaded vs bold like the Resume...
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