Thank you for the response. I apologize, I should have been more clear in my post. I currently have a list of vAppReferences, and for each vAppReference, I would like to get the corresponding VMs using the QueryService. Here are the steps I am taking:
VCloudClient = new vCloudClient(mVCUrl, com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.constants.Version.V5_1);
VCloudClient.Login(mVCUsername + "@" + mVCOrg, mVCPassword);
List<ReferenceType> vAppRefs = VCloudClient.GetQueryService().QueryvAppReferences().GetReferences();
QueryService qs = VCloudClient.GetQueryService();
QueryParams<QueryVMField> query = new QueryParams<QueryVMField>();
query.Filter = new Filter(new Expression(QueryVMField.VAPPNAME, vAppRefs[0].name, ExpressionType.EQUALS));
List<ReferenceType> vMRefs = qs.QueryVmReferences(query).GetReferences();
Since I am using the QueryVMField class to define the field and types, is it possible to use wrong ones? Wouldn't the compiler throw a compilation error?
Thanks again for you help, I appreciate the time.