Try this one..
# ============================================================================================== # # # NAME: ADCompOSinfo # # AUTHOR: Mohamed Garrana , # DATE : 3/25/2010 # # COMMENT: # This script connects to Active Directory OU or just the root of the domain and recursivly gets all the computer objects # for each AD computer object it gets the Opertating system Type , Version and Service pack using information of the AD object # ============================================================================================== function get-alladcomputers { Trap { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red " <<< Error >>> could not connect to Active directory, please make sure that ADpath var is correctly SET !" Break } $ADpath = "LDAP://DC=mantrac,DC=win2k,DC=dom" $searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $RootSearch = New-Object directoryservices.directoryentry $ADpath $searcher.searchroot = $RootSearch $searcher.filter = "(objectClass=computer)" $allcomps = $searcher.findall() foreach ($comp in $allcomps) { get-adcomputerinfo } $objs = $allcomps | Measure-Object $objcount = $objs.Count Write-Host -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor blue " Script succesfully Completed on $objcount Active Directory computer objects" } function get-adcomputerinfo { BEGIN { } PROCESS { Write-Host $ try { $name = $[0] $os= $comp.Properties.operatingsystem[0] $osver= $comp.Properties.operatingsystemversion[0] $ossp=$comp.Properties.operatingsystemservicepack[0] } Catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red " <<< WHoops ... >>> $name : Error reading a required property from the AD computer object, this might be a cluster resource name or the property has a null value . execution will continue anyway ;)" continue } finally { $computer = New-Object psobject $Computer | Add-Member NoteProperty Name ($name) $computer | Add-Member NoteProperty OperatingSystem ($os) $Computer | Add-Member NoteProperty OSVersion ($osver) $computer | Add-Member Noteproperty OSServicePack ($ossp) Write-Output $computer } } END{} } #set your variables :- #setting the ADpath variable $ADpath = "LDAP://DC=microsoft,DC=com" # this will grap all the AD computer objects in the domain #$ADpath = "LDAP://OU=Marketing,DC=Microsoft,DC=dom" #this will grap all the AD computer objects in the marketing OU in the microsoft domain #you can use the script like this to export the output into a csv file with all the computers and their OS information $outfile = "c:\test\ADcomps2.csv" #sets the location of the out csv file if you'r going to use Export-csv get-alladcomputers | Export-Csv $outfile #you can use the script like this to see a nice grid view of all the computers and their OS information get-alladcomputers | Out-GridView
Re: Script to determine the type of OS Connected